Events Calendar

LBC Annual Ladies Retreat

Saturday, March 15 – Annual Ladies Retreat – 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

LaGuardo Baptist Church
8585 Hwy 109 N
Lebanon, TN 37087

YOU are invited….and Help us Spread the Word!
It’s time for our Annual Ladies Retreat and we would like to see as many ladies as as possible in attendance – SO – please plan on attending and invite your family and friends too!

The day will include Guest Speakers, Praise & Worship, Lunch, Door Prizes, etc.
The cost is $35 per person, please send check to Church at above address.

DEADLINE is March 9th

POC: Fill out the Ladies Retreat Registration Form located on the website or Call the Church 615-444-0292 leave message with name and phone number and the Ladies Retreat Personnel will get back with you.